Watch this video about micro-loans.  For maps and other potentially useful information about Paraguay consult the following Power Point.


Here are the coordinates for Aleman Cue/Teniente Morales on Google Maps.

For the sixth instalment of the Salzburg Geographical Expedition you will deepen your understanding of community/economic development

NGOs and Community Development You are a member (i.e. employee) of a new NGO (non-governmental organization) based in Salzburg that has a sister city relationship with Teniente Morales, Paraguay.  This town/village is also known as Alemán Cue.  You have never been there before but you know the village has 1000 inhabitants (approx. 200 families) and is located 25 kilometres from a major town in the centre of the country called Coronel Oviedo.  Both are located in the Department of Caaguazú.  The main source of income for families is from the small-scale production on their small 5 hectare farms.  Farmers plant cotton, mandioca, beans, sugar cane, bananas and yerba mate.  Global cotton prices have fallen, though, and it is not profitable to plant this cash crop anymore.  They do not have many vegetable gardens.  They have dirt roads, a small health care facility that is only open “sometimes” and have electricity but no running water.  School-age children can attend primary school but need to go to Coronel Oviedo 25 kilometers away to complete secondary studies (Grades 6-12).  Bus service is infrequent because the rain turns the road into mud.  Families do not own cars or tractors.  The levels of corruption and interest rates are both high in the region and the country.       

Your NGO has 100,000 Euros for a small-scale development project

For SZG Expedition #6 you need to write a blog article with an Introduction (2 paragraphs) that orients your reader to this particular expedition and a Discussion/Conclusion (at least 3-4 paragraphs) that explores #5 & #6 below.  Be sure to address the following questions in the rest of your report:   

  1. What does it mean to be a sister city?  Define this relationship.  What do sister cities hope to accomplish?
  2. What would you propose for a small-scale development project knowing the things you know above?  Develop a proposal.  If you feel you need to know more about the community before you devise the plan, what would you need to know?  Be very specific.
  3. How would you invest the 100,000 Euros?  Create a realistic budget.  Include photos or sketches of items you would purchase (if any).  Research actual costs.
  4. What are the desired outcomes?  Be realistic.
  5. Take a position about foreign assistance—governmental or non-governmental.  Do you think it promotes economic self-sufficiency?  Why or why not?  What are some of the barriers to successful development of places like Teniente Morales.
  6. What can you as a Salzburger really accomplish in Teniente Morales?  Can you actually help them in community (economic, social) development? 

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